Change and growth have always been an inherent part of National Fisherman. Such changes go back to the very origin of the magazine, which formed when Maine Coast Fishermen was combined with a New Hampshire publication in the 1960s. More recent changes have seen the rollout of a brand new website, the launch of an app that allows readers to access NF content no matter where they are and a new Executive Editor. Whether they’re changes that took place in the past year or decades ago, all of them are connected to a commitment to being the only publication devoted to covering the entire U.S. commercial fishing industry.

However, that dedication is similarly changing and growing as new voices and perspectives shape this industry, making the role that NF plays as a platform showcasing news and insights from every side all the more important. This is why we want to better showcase more voices and mindsets across all of the NF platforms. Whether that’s in a print article, as part of a commercial fishing photo story, or on stage at Pacific Marine Expo, we are totally committed to better highlighting all of the perspectives that define this industry. 

That effort means there might sometimes be tension with the viewpoints that are shared on NF platforms, with different stakeholders thinking and believing very different things about what progress in this industry looks like. Our goal is not to judge the merits of these perspectives or the people behind them but to instead allow everyone to better understand what drives these outlooks. Doing so will help cultivate conversations that enable a consensus around what’s the best approach to seeing the entire industry thrive. 

The changes that defined the early days of National Fisherman magazine are much different than recent ones that have seen become an essential source of daily news, but they’re all connected to the same effort to speak to and with the people who make a living commercial fishing. The future of the National Fisherman platform will see that effort extended to provide better context around the people, products and perspectives that inform fishermen, enable profitable fisheries and support sustainable fish. 

In print, online, and in person, the National Fisherman brand is stronger than ever. We look forward to seeing the brand further evolve into a platform of progress that will strengthen the entire commercial fishing industry.

Bob Callahan
Publisher/Group Vice President
National Fisherman

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